Sunday, July 22, 2012

Assignment 5: The final set?

It has been some time since I last took a serious look at these images.  I have to admit I am suffering a little bit of a block on this assignment.  It is not a problem of quality, it is a problem of choice and the image I want to portray.  I think I have been too concerned with telling a story, I should leave that to Social Documentary!  What I have no done is to re-assess the set of images from a more aesthetic perspective, selecting images that I like and which portray the spaces I was exploring, from tidy almost beautiful space to grubby dirty interiors simply existing to store the bins.

I am also conscious of needing to maintain that element of learning from my study of Gursky, the careful control of the frame, the carefully constructed viewpoint and the filling of the frame from edge to edge.  This set is now close to what I call final.  I hope to write up the set and get it in the mail to my tutor by the end of the week and before I head off to California.

Recently I came close to abandoning this set and trying once again to do something more in the style of Gursky's recent work, however, that just is not me.  I really connected to this study and it is an important reflection on where and how I live.