Saturday, September 15, 2012

Assignment 5: Tutor Feedback

During the development of the concept and images for Assignment 5 I engaged in a dialog with my tutor and so his feedback was positive with no requests for major changes to images or replacements.  There were a number of comments concerning the flatness of the images and that I might increase either the contrast or the saturation.  I will look at this as I print the photographs for assessment, I always adjust the images a little for final output.  I also think that the drop from 12/14 bits per channel to the 8 bits of JPG can result in a loss of colour fidelity in the images that is not seen on the prints.  Recently I converted some B&W images for another course and there was a noticeable change in quality.

I am now at the end of this course, just need to get everything printed and in the post for the November assessment.  It has been a great journey, I have learned more in the last 12 months about photography than in my life to date.  Wonderful course and fabulous support from my tutor

Thank You!


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