Monday, October 17, 2011

Assignment 2: Inside and Out

Back to earth and my current assignment.  On the weekend I had planned to take some time to look around the Jewish Museum and take a few photographs of the exhibits and people interacting with them, thought this would add some narrative to the set.  However, I discovered that photography is not permitted inside the museum, only in the lobby area.  This was a shame, but at least I could shoot a few shots that looked out into St. Jakobs Platz

These are interesting, but also challenging to look at, again a B&W treatment might simplify the images and bring focus to the graphical elements, rather than the colour.  The second two photographs contain the almost ubiquitous bike chained to a lamp post that almost seem to be iconic of the space.

The very clear weather and angle of the sun was providing very striking reflections in the glass that fronts the museum, creating the following shots:

I am not quite sure what to think of these images, they are quite powerful, but also confusing, summarizes my overall experience with this space.

2 rather more conventional photographs with people as a key element:

I also ownder about some of the detail around the square, this is a small office canteen:

and the church just opposite the synagogue:

Reflections, maybe also shadows:

After shooting in the Platz, I shot these two, just for fun, I like the converging verticals and the colour in both images, very different but striking.

Not a very productive day, I am beginning to run out of ideas and feel as if I have exhausted the accessible pictorial potential of the site.  It is becoming time to start thinking in terms of sets of photographs and how I can weave what I have into a whole.

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